
Lauris And Sveta the Yin and Yang. Part II

Svetlana Vodzinowskaja was born in Belarus in a military household and spent her young days in an army base settlement. Her father was in active duty so they lived in an air base town, where all the families were involved in army. Every time leaving the territory her family had to account for their destination, duration, purpose of the trip and that is of course after obtaining permission from the authorities. At some point Sveta even wanted to be in the military, but that never happened. She also dreamed of becoming a nuclear physicist, vegetarian restaurant owner, designer, but her life long dream since childhood was to become a heart surgeon. Instead she got her degree in IT engineering from one of the best universities in the country. That is where the story takes turn, she somehow went on working for Ronald McDonald at one of his restaurants called McDonalds for a while, and somehow ended up selling tractors and agricultural equipment in the great city of Minsk while creating designs for websites on her free time.Image This was until she packed her stuff and followed Lauris to the end of the world. Now that's what I call true love, but apparently not the first, because she also has been married once before. When I asked her why, how and how long, she explained very simply: - We got together, moved in together and it seemed like the right thing to do at that time. The deeper why what's and where's I will leave untouched, since no good has ever come from digging to deep in to a persons soul without proper tools. We have not known each other for very long, so I have yet to find out more about her bad qualities. On the bright side - she plays guitar, draws beautifully and has a wonderful Russian sense of humor that I can relate to very much. Unfortunately this quality of hers sometimes is used against her opponents in discussion. She can smack you down repeatedly in the worst way possible, and after loosing an argument to her you will feel as dumb as a sock no matter what you say or whatever logic you try to employ. A very useful skill when you need to bargain but not so pleasant if you are standing right in front of her.Image The fun part starts when you put the two ingredients together. Oh the flavors and colors that come out sometimes and our trip has just begun. It was a surprise to me when I found out that before engaging in this trip they have met a year before at a spiritual festival and lived with each other for a few periods of about two weeks each. I bow my head to their courage and commitment, because I know from experience that every day life in a relationship requires hard work, constant development and the occasional burst of creativity just to keep a healthy and sane atmosphere. That is off course when you have the option of sometimes slamming the door and going to clean your head or braking a few things in a household to release the tension. Our case is - we carry expensive and hard to replace equipment, and stay together for safety and cheapest way possible often sharing a room. To conclude it raises some questions. First - are we all looking at this seriously ? Second - does true, all consuming love at first sight exist in reality ? Third - am I going to get out of this alive and Last but not least - Are all the answers to questions provided are yes. The answer is - I might be stupid, but honest believer sounds much better. Image